Daily Archives: August 5, 2013

No One Can Make You Feel Like a Loser Without Your Personal Permission

No One Can Make You Feel Like a Loser Without Your Personal Permission

                            Jim  Kilgore,  Missionary Evangelist


     Years ago, Olympic diver Greg Louganis was asked “How do you deal with all the pressure and stress that comes from competing at such a high level?” He simply said, “When I get up on the platform the second before I dive I say to myself ‘Even if I blow this dive my mother will still love me.”

     Much of my life as a young person was spent feeling inferior to nearly every other person.  I was reminded by the “in- crowd” that I just didn’t fit in with them.  I was laughed at, ridiculed, left alone.  Then it happened, I began to excel at sports and suddenly I had “friends.”    My self-esteem began to rise, yet even today at times I am haunted by feelings of inadequacy.

    What I am about to share is what I read when the serpent of inadequacy visits me.  I do not know whom to credit, but I thank God for the paper I have read for at least 35 years.  It has encouraged me; inspired me; and provided hope to me.   This true story reminds me to take my eyes off of the negative and disparaging remarks of others.  It reminds me that I have been created in the very mage of God (Genesis 1:26).

From a “DUNCE to a GENIUS

     When Victor Seribriakoff was 15, his teacher told him he would never finish school and that he should drop out and learn a trade.  Victor took the advice and for the next 17 years he was doing a variety of jobs.  He had been told he wasn’t very smart, and guess what?  He lived down to this belief others had of him. 

An Incredible Transformation was about to Take place

     When he was 32 years old, an amazing transformation took place in Victor’s life.  He was required to take an evaluation at work.  The evaluation revealed that he WAS a Genius with an IQ of 161.  Guess what happened next?   Since he learned of his “Genius Status” he began writing books, secured a number of patents and became a very successful businessman!

     Perhaps the most significant event for this former high school drop-out was his election as the Chairman of the International Mensa Society!   The Mensa Society has only one membership qualification.  You must have a minimum IQ of 140.


How Many Other Victors are Living DOWN to the Expectations of Other People?

     The story of Victor Seribriakoff truly makes me wonder how many geniuses we have walking around feeling like a loser because of any of the following:

  •       Sin(s) that has been committed, confessed, and cast-a-way. 
  •       Social Standing.   From a lower income group.  
  •       Struggling with a new task or job.


I had a man tell me DAILY the following phrases when I was in construction at the age of 19.

  •       You are Dumber than Dirt
  •       You will NEVER amount to anything
  •       You are so Stupid

     I have learned not to pay much attention to the Critics (they can reveal blind-spots to me).     I have learned not to pay much attention to the Compliments either.  Both can affect me adversely.   I simply remind myself that “I am what I am by the Grace of God.”

     Once Victor started listening to the correct choices around him, his life completely changed!  When he saw himself differently, he started living differently.    Proverbs 23:7 says: “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…”



What about you?  What is your story?   How have you dealt with feelings of Inadequacy?