Category Archives: Christain Life; Abundant

Pastor, How Can I REALLY Live a Life of Victory?


Christians EVERYWHERE are asking the same Question about Victory!

 As I have traveled across America, and in several Countries, one question which I can count on being asked of me is: “Pastor, can I REALLY Live a Life of Victory as a Christian?”   This of course saddens me deeply, knowing that so many good, loving Believers are struggling to live a life of Victory.

I shall continue teaching on this subject for a few weeks, as there is an intense desire in my heart to help elevate your walk with God.   To truly walk with God is to walk in Victory.   As I pen these words, I am envisioning you sitting across my desk, asking for my counsel from your question.  May I first acknowledge your desire?  I applaud you for searching for this answer.  Now, as you and I are sitting across the desk, let us pray right now expressing this to our Father.

A Prayer to our Father for Victory

Our Father, my dear Brother/Sister in Christ has come for spiritual assistance.   They have been struggling in their walk with You.  At times they have been very close to you; yet at other times had felt distance in the relationship.   Today, we come together with a desire on our hearts.  That desire is to live a life of Victory.   We claim Psalm 37:4 where YOU Promised to give us the desires of our hearts IF we would only delight in you.  Father, our delight is in You!   You are our joy!  We love You and desperately wish to honor You with our hearts and lives.  Now we ask, and even claim the promise of receiving the desires of our hearts.  Please help my dear friend to experience a life of sustained Victory.   Amen.

It is Definitely Possible to Live in Victory!

Everyone faces difficult situations; however, there is no need to allow them to rob you of your victory and joy! This is what was happening in the Book of Philippians.  The Christians in the Church at Philippi has four major thieves robbing Christians of their Joy and Victory.  Let me show you.

  1. The first Thief of Joy is  Circumstances.

In Philippians, Paul was in jail and it appeared to many that it was a bad thing.  Not so to Paul.  The attitude Paul had, was that God allowed circumstances to enter into his life for the express purpose of leading others to Jesus.   Notice Philippians 1:12-14:  “But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;  13So that my bonds in Christ are manifest in all the palace, and in all other places;     14And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.”    Paul said it became a good thing that he had been arrested as he had won more people to Christ and in fact, other Christians who previously were fearful of witnessing, had become soul-winners for God.

  1. 2.      The second thief of Victory is People

Each of us have lost our joy because of People at some point in our lives.  Paul issued the prescription to overcome this thief in Philippians 2:1-3:  Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.   3Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.   4Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

  1. 3.      The third thief Victory are Things       

People are ALWAYS wanting more! Never really satisfied. This insatiable craving will never be fully satisfied though seeking possessions.  Eleven times in this chapter Paul uses the word things.  In Philippians 3:19, Paul points out that MOST Christians “…..mind earthly things.”  Your solution is to focus on “Heavenly things”., Philippians 3:20.

  1. 4.      The fourth thief of Victory is Worry.        

Worry means to be pulled apart.  Our fears pull us in one direction while our Faith pulls us in the opposite direction.  Worry is really saying to God, “This is too big for even you God!   I have no hope!  I cannot expect any relief from heaven!   Worry is an inside job which will completely remove ALL joy and energy from your life.  However, worry is like a rocking chair in that both will provide you with something to do, yet neither will get you anywhere.

Why worry when you CAN trust our Omnipotent, Compassionate, Omnipresent Father who loves you so much that He provided for your greatest need by sending His Son, Jesus to pay your sin debt for you?  Wow!    I decided that since I trusted God with my eternal, never-dying soul to take me to heaven many years ago, whom I barely knew, then I could now trust Him to provide, protect, and work on my behalf.

What are some thieves that have been robbing you of your Victory and Joy recently?  And what steps will you take to remove that thief?  Please take a moment and share your thoughts.