Monthly Archives: November 2012

Why would we want to hurt Anyone?


The Bible is filled with people who intentionally hurt other people.  Honestly, I don’t understand this.  Why would any of us want to hurt another individual?   Why would anyone want to cause grief and pain to another?  It amazes
me how some people can laugh and “appear” to enjoy life while making others cry a river of tears with their
harsh and hurtful words.
In I Samuel chapter 30 we read where David was hurt and his hurt ran to the depths of his soul.   What caused his grief?  The Amalekites, which were the enemy of Israel, had invaded Ziklag, defeated the Israelites, and set the city on fire.  As the city was burning, the Amalekites took each of the women and children into captivity.
Following these dreadful events, David and his men arrived at Ziklag only to see the fire burning their homes and to discover each of their women and children were now in enemy hands.
Every man was was so overcome with grief that verse four informs us that “David and his men wept until they had no more power to weep”. The unimaginable and inexplicable had actually happened.
Yet notice verse six.  David’s grief goes to another level.  Why?  Because his soldiers blamed him for their loss and the crowd was seriously considering the stoning of David.
  I have often wondered how this would help their situation at all.  There was no word of anyone killed.  So there was hope of recovering their families. Therefore, they needed David to lead them in battle to reclaim their families.

I have decided years ago that I would not allow my hurt to hurt anyone else!  I mean, hasn’t there been enough hurt distributed already?

But how can I effectively and efficiently deal with my intense pain, my hurt? During my next Blog, I shall share several ways in which David was able to encourage himself in the Lord his God (verse six). This will be crucial for you to read as there will be many times in which you will need encouragement, but your friends will likewise abandon you. It will be during this precise time that you will regrettably realize, that all you have left is God. And you will learn, that God is enough!

Don’t let your Dream Die


This post was inspired by my youngest son John.  I hope it provides the intended encouragement to propel you towards the achievement of your dream.
I have often said, “Don’t allow your dream to die.”  Yet how easy is it to become sidetracked with  “stuff”.
Today,  my encouragement for you is for you to answer a most personal question:  “What dream, ambition, desire do you have hidden deep within your heart?”  It has been secretly begging to Resurface and have the fire and passion Rekindled.
Now that you have responded to this inner prompting, you have two choices: ” Will you Respond to, or Reject this project?  Will mankind be blessed or left to guess what great things you might have accomlished in their lives?
Today, you must move from “I Wish to I Will; from merely Dreaming to Driving Daily towards your Dream”.
If you’re ready to drive, one great piece of advice is:  “Reflect your dream in your daily agenda”.  I normally say in my Mentoring sessions: “Failure happens, but success is planned.  Success comes as a result of DOING the crucial tasks daily!
Are you ready to Plan for the accomplishment of your Passion?

How to Create a Memorable phrase from the truth(s) delivered

I like to summarize my main truth(s) into a phrase people can remember.  I want to share 3 thoughts I consider when creating such a summary.

1.  The phrase must be Clear.   It must      accurately reflect the truth presented.

2.   The phrase must be Concise.  Less is more.  Too many words in the phrase and it will be forgotton.

3.  The phrase must be Catchy.  In other words, it must be something which is easy to memorize.

For example, if you were speaking about Prayer, your summary truth might be:  “You will Pray or you will Fail.”  After evaluation,  you may see how it achieves each the above criteria.  The best part?  Your truth will be remembered!

For example, if you were preaching on Biblical Forgiveness,  your summary truth might be: ” A Forgiven people is to become a Forgiving people.”  Again, your summary truth nailed each of the above criteria.

This is a sample of what I include in my Teacher Development Seminar.

If you have a need to train Teachers and Leaders in your Church or Business, please feel free to contact me at:

You may also follow me at:

or on Twitter @JimBon77

I Have a Heart to Help!

Whatever I Honor, I WILL Produce!

Whatever I honor, I WILL Produce!  What have I been honoring as a Leader?  What should I begin to honor?  I have chosen to honor Character over Talent ;  Progress over Perfection;  Effort over Execution!  Why these particular choices? Once you honor the right characteristics you soon receive the correct results.  Be patient and allow the growth process to come to fruition.

Jim Kilgore Bio

Jim Kilgore has been a Pastor for over 20 years. He has over 25 years years as a businessman. He is married to Bonnie Kilgore. They are the parents of 6 children and 15 grandchildren. Jim is a friend of Preachers that desires to serve Churches in conducting Revival meetings; Soul-winning conferences; Leadership Seminars; and Sunday School Teacher Development meetings. Brother Kilgore can be reached for meetings and followed at:
Twitter: @JimBon77

A gracious testimonial from a Missionary Pastor in Uganda , Africa

This is a picture of Lake Victoria as it appea...

This is a picture of Lake Victoria as it appears from the shores of the Speke Resort in Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda. It was taken by Michael Shade in the fall of 2006. Use it for whatever. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Brother Jim I very blessed to read your Tweets.  There are wonderful teachings.
I need them.

If you can send them  to my email so my Officers here will be blessed as well.
I will be have to received Bible study topIcs from you.


Yesterday ended at Midnight

Paul told us in Philippians 3:14 -16 that we are to ” forget those things which are behind and  reach forth unto those things are before.”
To simplify the principle, Author and profound Speaker, John Maxwell once said,  “Yesterday ended last night.” I believe that we  must set aside memories of yesterday’s performance and focus on today’s opportunities!
Yesterday affords us the opportunity of learning lessons yet may  blind us to the opportunities presented by our Heavenly Father.

There is no way that you can move FORWARD if you are trapped in the PAST!

Remember, yesterday ended at midnight !

Tweet from Jim Kilgore (@JimBon77)

Jim Kilgore (@JimBon77) tweeted at 2:14 PM on Wed, Nov 14, 2012:
Thinking of God’s Grace today. An acrostic to help. Gods Riches At Christs Expense Grace is God giving to us that which we do not deserve

Get the official Twitter app at

Warning, Witnessesing, and Winning the Unsaved while there are yet Opportunities!

The Bible states  in I Corinthians 7:29:  “But this I say, brethren, the time is short.”  “The time is short.”   This means that your time is short and that my time is short.  The time is short!  It also means that in light of this truth, you and I MUST do all that we can while we can for the cause of Christ.  We must not delay; we must not meander;  we must not approach the work of Christ as though we have many years left .

We have a Biblical obligation to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to each unsaved man, woman, and child.  But why the urgency?

  • Did you know that each time your heart beats two people have slipped off into eternity?    This means that 125,000 souls died every day!
  • Furthermore, this means that 875,000 enter either Heaven or Hell every week.

Again, the Bible says, “the time is short.”  I once heard a godly Preacher reveal a rather startling fact he had read from a magazine article.  It said, “only 2% of the world’s population claims to have placed their faith in Jesus Christ and expect to go to heaven on the basis of what Jesus has done for them.   If this article is accurate, it would mean that 98% are going to hell when they die!!  John 14:6 says, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”  What a tragedy to reject Christ and spend eternity separated from God when it does NOT need to happen.  The Bible emphatically states in II Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

At the rate the modern Church is winning the lost to Christ, it would take over 4,000 to win each person IF we had the ability to stop all births and all deaths during those 4,000 years.   What a shameful fact.

My question is to you, how long, if ever, has it been since you have personally won a lost soul to Christ?

Another personal question, would you know how to win an unsaved person to Jesus if one asked YOU to?

If not, I would like to help you.  Please leave a remark with a way to get into contact with you and I can teach you how to win a soul to Jesus.

THe Passion of the Preacher

In this article I would like to share the seven main passions I have in my ministry life.

  1. I have an intense desire to see people come to know Christ as Saviour.
  2. Definitely related to the above is a desire to help missionaries win people to Christ .
  3. Families.   To Help our Homes.
  4. Spiritual growth in the lives of Believers.
  5. Restoration of the Fallen.  Those whose lives have become complicated by sin need someone to show the love of Jesus to them and restore them to a place of usefulness for God.
  6.  Leadership. Equipping leadership.
  7.  Personal and National revival.

If you would like to book a meeting with Pastor Kilgore please contact him at: